PowerColor HD 6870 PCS++ 1 GB

In October 2010, AMD released their Radeon HD 6850 and HD 6870 which are based on the Barts GPU core. At its time it was an outstanding choice for the $250 segment, but NVIDIA countered this offer with their GeForce GTX 560 Ti which quickly took over that market.

Now AMD board partners are coming out with feature-rich, highly overclocked versions of the HD 6870 that try to increase the model's competitiveness. 
PowerColor has a long history of creating overclocked boards with their PCS, PCS+ and PCS++ Series. Today we have on our testbench the PowerColor HD 6870 PCS++ which comes with a revamped board design and runs at the highest clock speeds available on any HD 6870 today. Pricing seems reasonable too, with just a small price increase over the reference design HD 6870 cards.

source: www.techpowerup.com